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Educational projects with universities

Brand Analytics is developing a collaboration program with universities based on the developed social media analytics course. We train and certify teachers, giving them the right to read a course, and provide them with a full package of study materials.
We invite universities to join the program!

Course for universities:
Social media analytics: theory, tools and practice

The course gives students majoring in Marketing, Public Relations, Advertising, Media Communications, Political Science, Sociology — and other related disciplines relevant theoretical and practical knowledge and helps them expand their opportunities and tools within the subjects.

A university can integrate a full course or just a part dedicated to the Brand Analytics system into its curriculum.

The course includes:

  • curriculum with lectures and seminars,
  • educational materials;
  • homework program;
  • a set of tests to assess students knowledge;
  • demo training access to the Brand Analytics system for practice;
  • access to certification as a Brand Analytics specialist.

Best course by "Novelty of acquired knowledge" according to HSE students

The course by Brand Analytics is an opportunity for universities:

The course by Brand Analytics is an opportunity for universities:

To give students up-to-date skills in the demanded field and profession — social media analyst

Increase the attractiveness of the university for future students

Expand the professional competencies of teachers

Give students recommendations for internships in leading companies on the market

How a university can integrate the course into its curriculum?

Пунктирная дуга
It is necessary to send an official letter of intent to include the whole course or just a part in the university program to
Пунктирная дуга
Refer prospective teachers of the course to the free Brand Analytics training program. A course for teachers in the specialties of marketing, public relations, advertising, media communications, political science, sociology — and other related disciplines online and starts at the end of May.
At the end of the course, teachers are certified by Brand Analytics.

Brand Analytics helps the university launch the course, provides access and demo topics for training, certifies students and provides other necessary support.

The Brand Analytics course is already in the universities curriculums